Our mission is to support a culture of writing across the university by bringing into focus the rhetorical strategies that turn writing in various genres from “words on a page” into a compelling, respectful, ongoing dialogue with peers, research communities, and the wider public.

Our approach to writing support focuses on facilitating the development of writing skills rather than offering a "quick fix" on writing projects. To that end, we maintain a number of ongoing initiatives designed to assist writers in the development of their writing abilities, namely: Writing Center Tutorials, Seminars, and various Writing Center Resources.

About Us

WCP Assistant Director;
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
Fiction Editor, Angime Journal
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
Webpage Moderator
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
Writing Center Program Interim Director;
WCP Instructor
Writing Center Coordinator;
WCP Instructor
Writing Fellows Coordinator;
WCP Instructor

WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Instructor
WCP Teaching Assistant

Position: WCP Instructor

Karie Pieczynski is an international educator who focuses on program development, curriculum design and implementation, teacher training and support, and peer mentoring. She also has experience teaching writing and English for Academic Purposes in global contexts – her teaching has brought her to Iraq, Turkey, Ecuador, and now Kazakhstan, where she is now Department Chair of The Writing Center Program.

Karie earned her Bachelor’s degree in Slavic Languages and Literatures and her Master’s degree in Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian studies. In her spare time, Karie drinks coffee, reads books, and rescues stray cats off of Astana’s cold wintry streets.

Research Interests: Program and curriculum development; Teacher training and peer mentoring; Writing studies; Writing pedagogy and second language writing; Academic literacies; Language politics; Education policy and the negotiation of identities in transitioning states.
Karie Pieczynski
James Swider

Position: WCP Coordinator
Email: james.swider@nu.edu.kz
James Clifford Swider is currently a doctoral candidate in the Composition and Linguistics program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). He earned his Master of Arts in English at the West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Nazarbayev University, James taught various composition, literature, and language courses at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. James also was the assistant director of the writing center at IUP where he taught first-year composition and research writing. He has several published research articles and regularly attends academic conferences to stay current in the field of composition.

Research Interests: Writing center pedagogy; Rhetorical analysis; Comparative rhetoric; Applied linguistics
Jonathan Dupuy

Position: WCP Instructor
Fiction Editor, Angime Journal
Email: jonathan.dupuy@nu.edu.kz
Jonathan Dupuy’s writing is influenced by his upbringing in Detroit, Michigan as well as his work as a dishwasher, a Harley Davidson mechanic, a golf caddie, a bartender, a film critic for public radio, a journalist, a DJ and the time he served in the US Marine Corps infantry, traveling to over twenty-five countries during which he was distinguished with the Marine’s highest non-combat award and a certificate of commendation for his service.

Dupuy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and German and a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature where he was awarded highest honors and membership into Phi Beta Kappa. Afterwards, he earned a Master’s degree in Classics from St. John’s College and an MFA from Washington University in St. Louis in Fiction.

He has published his writing in Signal to Noise, The Santa Fe Reporter and contributed writing to separate projects by artists Jose Garza, Michael Powell and Serhii Chrucky.
Adina Arvatu

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: adinacamelia.arvatu@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.404
Adina Arvatu has a PhD in philosophy from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and a Master’s in comparative literature from Western University in Canada. Before joining the Writing Center in 2018, she taught humanities and social sciences subjects at both universities. At NU, she has been teaching first-year and advanced undergraduate writing and composition courses, as well as leading a PhD writing seminar. Her main research interests are genre theory and pedagogies in L2 writing instruction, problems in global English-medium instruction (EMI), and the construction of interdisciplinary knowledge. Her most recent publication is a co-authored article on graduate students grappling with English-medium instruction in Kazakhstan (2022).
Arlyce Menzies

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: arlyce.menzies@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.410
Raised in the Rust Belt and educated in the Bluegrass and New England, Arlyce Menzies now teaches writing in the windy steppe capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. She received her MFA at Boston University, where she practiced poetry with Robert Pinsky and Karl Kirchwey, learned translation theory with Lorca scholar Christopher Maurer, copyedited fiction and non-fiction for Agni, and made an art installation with Chinese genius Yuan Lin. Arlyce enjoys other gifts like publication in New Ohio Review and The Baffler, translating poetry from Russian to English, and dancing to Bollywood hits with her two daughters.
Brandon Brock

Position: WCP Assistant Director; WCP Instructor
Email: brandon.brock@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.402
Brandon Brock earned his Bachelor’s degree in English/American Literature and his Master of Arts in Teaching English degree from the University of Texas at El Paso in the United States. He has been teaching Rhetoric and Writing Studies as well as English Composition at the University of Texas at El Paso since 2011. He has experience working at the University Writing Center as well as experience working for an early college high school in El Paso, Texas.

Research Interests: Rhetoric and Writing Studies; Multimodal Composition; First-Year Composition; Assessment; Digital Rhetoric; Digital Media; Media Production
Jane Hoelker

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: jane.hoelker@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.414
Jane Hoelker has been included in Marquis Who’s Who 2023 biographical volume as an International English Language Educator. She has led a career as an instructor of English in universities in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Jane earned a master’s degree in ESOL from the School for International Training in Vermont and a master’s degree in French literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Recently, she completed an Interdisciplinary master’s degree in English literature and history from Western New Mexico University.

Having served in various leadership roles in the TESOL International Association, she was elected to the TESOL Board of Directors in 2008. Prior to this, she was President of TESOL Arabia in the United Arab Emirates. Her strong social conscience inspired her to give service in the global context. She volunteered in the Peace Corps as well as an English Language Specialist consulting with the U.S. State Department and conducting teacher training workshops.

She has published more than 38 articles internationally and has presented at numerous international conferences. What inspires her to write is bearing witness to that moment in the classroom where knowledge meets action and the process named learning empowers yet another student.
Jeffrey Carney

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: jeffrey.carney@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.414
Jeffrey Carney earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Vassar College and a master’s degree in Creative Writing from the University of Illinois-Chicago, where he completed three additional years of graduate study in Composition and Rhetoric. For over thirty years he taught English composition, ESL, literature, film, and creative writing to students in Illinois and Utah. For ten years he directed a tutoring center at Snow College in Utah. His novel The Adventures of Michael MacInnes was selected for the New York Public Library’s Books for the Teen Age 2007. Kirkus Reviews called it “A rip-roaring, action-packed spin on the comic books and adventure stories of yore.” Jeffrey joined the Writing Center Program at Nazarbayev University in 2019.

Research Interests: Composition Theory; Ancient Rhetoric; Creative Writing
Gamze Öncül

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: gamze.oncul@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.414
Gamze Öncül started teaching in 1993. Initially, she taught EFL classes at Kocaeli and Bilkent Universities in Türkiye. From 2004 to 2024, she mainly taught freshman academic writing courses, first at Bilkent University and then at Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus. Gamze holds a Ph.D. in English Language Teaching from Hacettepe University, Türkiye. She has a special interest in course and material design and writing assessment. She is interested in writing center theory and practice as well, but her latest publication is on digital literacy skills of first-year university students. She is also proud that she has translated two novels: Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis has already been published, and Any Old Iron by Anthony Burgess is still under review.

Yamen Rahvan

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: yamen.rahvan@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.403
Yamen Rahvan holds a PhD in English and Comparative Literary Studies from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. He also has educational background in English Language Teaching, cultural studies, and philosophy. Between 2013 and 2023, he taught both academic writing and literature at different universities in Istanbul, Turkey. Courses he has taught include writing for the social sciences, business writing, medical writing, and technical writing for science and technology. He also has extensive experience with writing center consultations. Over the years, he has helped both undergraduates and postgraduates craft their statements of purpose, research proposals, literature reviews, research articles, and theses.

Research interests: English for Academic Purposes; Writing Center Studies; Theories of modern world-literature; Aesthetics; Sensory Studies.

Marilyn Plumlee

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: marilyn.plumlee@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.406
Marilyn Plumlee majored in the teaching of French and German as foreign languages for her undergraduate degree at the University of Kansas (USA). She later obtained an M.A. in Linguistics from the University of North Dakota (USA) and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Hawai`i (USA). She has taught a wide variety of language and linguistics courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at universities in the U.S., South Korea and Egypt. From 2000-2012 she was a faculty member in the College of English, Dept. of Linguistics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul (South Korea) and from 2012-2018 she was Associate Professor and Director of the MA TESOL program in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the American University in Cairo (Egypt).

Serving terms as the national president of the professional association of English language teachers in both Korea and Egypt, she has given invited conference keynote talks and workshops on language learning, foreign language teaching methods and developing inter-cultural communication skills in Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Thailand, and Egypt.
Tiffany Moore

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: tiffany.moore@nu.edu.kz
Tiffany Moore’s undergraduate degree is in Literary Studies with a minor in Chinese History and Culture from Middlebury College in Vermont; her MA from Boston College is in English Literature. She earned her PhD in English Literature at Northeastern University, where she also completed a Graduate Certificate in Cinema Studies. She has taught and tutored in all sorts of environments for all kinds of students since 1995. Before coming to Nazarbayev University she was in the UAE, before that, she was primarily based in New England.

Research Interests: Currently she is researching folklore, the history and influence of rock and roll music, and whatever else gets her attention on any given day.

Shane Ellis Coates

Position: WCP Instructor
Webpage Moderator
Email: shane.coates@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.409
Shane Ellis Coates has been an instructor since 1996. He spent a year teaching in South Korea before moving to Istanbul in 1998. Since 2003, his teaching has focused primarily on academic and professional writing. He was the coordinator for the Academic Support Center at Istanbul Bilgi University, and spent a year working as a copy editor for The Report, an international business magazine published by Oxford Business Group, before returning to Korea in 2008. In 2009 he became the program coordinator for the newly established International Writing Center at Kyungpook National University. He holds undergraduate degrees in Literature & History; as well as a Master’s Degree in Global Higher Education. This website is his favorite pet project.

Research Interests: Higher Education; Education Leadership; ICT in Education
Thomas Duke

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: thomas.duke@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.412
Thomas Duke is a rhetorician who studies argumentation and communicating in persuasive and technical contexts. His most recent projects have focused on the role of adages or idioms in argument construction. He has recently taught MSC 601 Technical Communication, WCS 101 Communication and Society, WCS 150 Rhetoric and Composition, and WCS 302 Argumentation and Debate.

His Research Interests include: The history of rhetoric, propaganda, and argumentation. At present, he is particularly interested in the role of emotions in propaganda and persuasion.
Zhanar Kabylbekova

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: zhkabylbekova@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.403
Zhanar Kabylbekova earned her Bachelor's degree in Teaching English from Pavlodar State University and her Master of Arts in Public Policy degree from King's College London. She has worked as a teacher in different educational organizations such as Pavlodar Kazakh-Turkish lyceum, Pavlodar Pedagogical College, and also as a chief of the department of Development of Technical and Vocational Education and International contacts under the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. Zhanar has been at Nazarbayev University for several years, initially in the Department of Communications (SST) and currently in the Writing Center Program. In addition to participating in research projects, she has strong administrative and tutoring experience in Communication and Writing Studies.

Research Interests: Writing Pedagogy; Communication Science; Globalization and Politics; Education Policy.
Nuraiym Kossybak
Position: Teaching Assistant
Email: nuraiym.kossybak@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.414
Nuraiym Kossybak sees working at the Writing Center as a beautiful outgrowth of her education at Nazarbayev University. Nuraiym is an alumna of NU, who obtained her BA in World Languages, Literature and Culture and earned her Master’s degree in Eurasian studies. She worked at the Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies, where she taught Kazakh poetry to advanced speakers of Kazakh. Nuraiym is a writer and a poet, who enjoys writing in different languages and genres. Nuraiym loves yoga, crochet, dancing, fashion, sweets and her sweet students.

Research Interests: narrative and rhetoric, writing and psychology, teaching advanced language learners, creative nonfiction, comparative literature, literary style, Central Asian poetry and prose, Kazakh manuscripts in Arabic script, Islam and poetry, Kazakh literature outside Kazakhstan.
Thomas Carl Hughes

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: thomas.hughes@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.413
Thomas Carl Hughes earned both his Bachelors in English literature and Masters of Arts in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Central Oklahoma.

He has taught university English in Miami, Florida, as well as in Korea, Saudi Arabia and Oman before joining the writing center staff at Nazarbayev University. At Nizwa University in Oman, he served on the writing center staff before moving to Nizwa University of Technology and Science to teach technical writing and technical communications.
Shahreen Mat Nayan

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: shahreen.matnayan@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.413

Shahreen Mat Nayan obtained her PhD in Communication (Rhetoric) from the University of Denver, Colorado (USA); She earned her Master’s in Education from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and her B.A (magna cum laude) in Communication from the University of Hartford, Connecticut (USA). She is a recipient of three research awards, and was the 2013 winner of the Best Journal Article Award (Humanities and Social Science Category) from the Malaysian Scholarly Publication Council (MAPIM) – Ministry of Education Malaysia. The winning article entitled "Hugging the Trees for Life: Implicating Bitzer in the Non-violent Rhetorical Situation of the Chipko Movement", was published in Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities (a SCOPUS-indexed publication).

Outside of the classroom, Shahreen is a corporate trainer certified by the Human Resource Development Corporation, Malaysia. When not busy pursuing her professional and personal goals, Shahreen drinks coffee in little cafes and video chats with her now grown-up kids back home in Malaysia.
Michael Jones
Position: WCP Instructor
Email: michael.jones@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.410
Michael Jones has earned three master’s degrees from the School of Oriental Studies (SOAS), University College London, and most recently Applied Linguistics at the University of Birmingham. He has previously taught in Palestine and Iraq where he was teaching English for Academic Purposes and first year Composition classes. He is about to start his PhD in Education and Social Justice at Lancaster University.

Research Interests: Education and peacebuilding, writing for social justice, education, the state, and state building.
Bakhtiar Naghdipour

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: bakhtiar.naghdipour@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.405
Bakhtiar Naghdipour holds a Ph.D. in English Language Teaching (ELT) with a focus on Second Language Writing from Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus. He is an internationally certified teacher and teacher trainer (CELTA and DELTA holder) with extensive experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in writing, rhetoric, and research in Iran, Cyprus, and Oman.

Bakhtiar’s research interests are centered around writing pedagogy and curriculum in English-as-a-foreign-language contexts. His work has been published in top-tier peer-reviewed international journals, including The Journal of Second Language Writing, The Curriculum Journal, and The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Recently, Bakhtiar has joined the editorial board of The Journal of Second Language Writing, where he hopes to promote research and foster productive conversations with practitioners, teachers, and scholars on issues related to second and foreign language writing in the Central Asian context. Currently, he is working on the incorporation of self-regulated learning and feedback practices into formal writing classes.
Olga Campbell-Thomson

Position: WCP Instructor
Office: 4.405
Dr Olga Campbell-Thomson trained as a language teacher (English and German) before obtaining her Master’s degrees in Linguistics and Speech Communication in the United States of America. Her Doctoral studies were based at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Over the past thirty years, her career has encompassed research and teaching in the multilingual and multicultural environments of the United States, Cyprus, Qatar and the United Kingdom.

Research Interests: She has an enduring interest in language education and her current research is focused on the history of modern foreign language teaching.
Christina DeCoursey

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: christina.decoursey@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.406
Christina DeCoursey did her PhD at the University of Toronto, where she received a Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada scholarship. She did her post-doctoral fellowship at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. As Director of Writing Programs at the American University in Bulgaria, and later at the Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, she oversaw English language teaching, tutoring and testing. She founded and ran the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s MA in English Language Arts, organised its annual “Language Arts and Linguistics” conference, and edited its proceedings. She was on the International Steering Committee for Inter-Disciplinary.net’s annual Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds conference, and edited two volumes of its proceedings. As chair of the Department of English Linguistics and Translation at the American University of Science and Technology in Beirut, Lebanon, she worked with refugees studying healthcare communication, and served as TESOL ESP rep (Middle East). She is the Editor of Languages in Global Contexts (Equinox).

Research Interests include healthcare communication and sentiment analysis.
Carlos Abaunza

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: carlos.abaunza@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.411
Carlos Abaunza is an international educator who holds degrees in the humanities and social sciences (BA in Education, MA in Literature, MA in Sociocultural Analysis, Ph.D. in Sociology and Anthropology, postdoctoral fellowship in Migration and Refugee Studies).

Carlos has over 25 years of teaching experience in several public and private institutions in Central America and the Caribbean, North America, Europe, and more recently the North of Africa. His research and publications mostly focus on migration issues, human development, and identity, inequality, and multilingualism in Central America and the Caribbean. Carlos is also an international consultant in the areas of knowledge management and migration governance for higher education institutions and international organizations, respectively.

Research Interests: International migration and development, migration governance; globalization, identity, and violence; performance poetry, subalternity, and dissent; academic writing and research methodologies, and AI in education.
Helen Johnson

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: helen.johnson@nu.edu.kz
Office: online
With an educational background in psychology, research methods and cognitive neuroscience, Helen Johnson has worked in a variety of informal and formal education settings in the UK and overseas. She is passionate about science communication and the importance of practical science and research skills in STEM education. She also specialises in academic English, especially graduate writing and thesis preparation. Helen is currently living in Thailand, where she teaches STEM graduates science communication and academic writing online at Nazarbayev University. She is also a guest speaker on the general psychology undergraduate course at Chulalongkorn University.
Samira Esat

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: samira.esat@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.410
Samira Esat received her training as an ESOL Education Specialist, - graduating with a PGCE from the Institute of Education, University of London. Before coming to Nazarbayev University, she taught English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at the University of Leeds. Prior to this, she has taught various strands of English courses within different settings and environments such as the British Council, Sudan and other UK Institutions. She also worked as a freelance content writer for various internet companies. Samira also received extensive training in Broadcast Journalism as a radio journalist for BBC World Service, BBC London and various other media outlets both in Radio & Television. Samira hopes that her diverse expertise will prove beneficial to students and faculty at Nazarbayev University.
Spencer Harrison
Position: WCP Instructor
Email: spencer.harrison@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.414
Spencer Harrison served as Fulbright ETA at Karaganda Buketov University in Kazakhstan where he offered writing tutorials including for applications to exchange programs, prepped students for exchange programs to the U.S., created a community writing center, and assisted in the establishment of a university writing center. Spencer has an MA in English literature from the University of Illinois Chicago, an MS from St. John’s University (NYC), and a BA in English and World Literature from Pitzer College. Spencer has led numerous workshops/presentations at international writing center conferences.

As an international educator, Spencer primarily focuses on translingual communication practices to aid in the intercultural transition that participants of cross-border education exchange programs undergo.

Gianfranco Languasco

Position: WCP Instructor
Email: bellido.languasco@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.409
Gianfranco Languasco holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Texas at El Paso and a bachelor in Communication from the Universidad de San Martin de Porres. He has worked in media environments as a journalist, served as one of the editors for the bilingual art and literature magazine Río Grande Review, and was a member of the editorial board of the Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea (Journal of Contemporary Mexican Literature). In Literature, he appeared in the narrative anthology "El Tanatonauta" (Bisagra Editores, 2011) and also published the short story collection "Dirty Sexy Money: cuentos" (Casatomada, 2012).

He has taught creative writing (fiction and non-fiction), English composition, Spanish language and culture, aligned reading and comprehension and media writing courses during his time in Texas, Chicago, Wuxi (China) and Lima (Peru).

Research interests: Latin American and Latino culture in the US. Latin American Films. Film theory. Urban studies. Subaltern studies. Media studies. Foreign Languages. Latin American Tradition. Writing and Composition. Narrative Theory & Poetics.

Ian Peterkin
Position: WCP Instructor
Email: ian.peterkin@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.413
Ian Peterkin has an MFA in creative and professional writing from Western Connecticut State University. He previously taught in the United States, China, and Dubai. His short stories and poems have appeared in several literary journals, most notably The Río Grande Review, Soliloquies, and Tenth Street Miscellany. He is currently working on film projects.

Adam Hefty
Position: WCP Instructor
Email: adam.hefty@nu.edu.kz
Office: 4.411
Adam Hefty holds a Ph.D. in History of Consciousness and Philosophy from the University of California, Santa Cruz. As an undergraduate, he studied at Harvard University (Philosophy and Government) and Deep Springs College. He participated in a working group at the University of California Humanities Research Institute and was a Fulbright Scholar in El Salvador. He taught interdisciplinary, humanities-based courses for seven years in California before moving to Saudi Arabia in 2014. He worked as a professor in a core curriculum program there for ten years; his teaching areas of focus included writing, critical thinking, self-assessment, and communication skills.

His research interests include genealogies of social problems and philosophical abstractions implicit in everyday "common sense." His interlocutors and methodology are based in philosophy, critical theory, cultural studies, and materialist feminism. He is currently completing a book manuscript entitled "Labor and Lamentation, from Acedia to Late Modern Alienation and Depression," which is under contract with Verso Books. He has written for topical and collaborative blogs and analytical magazines outside of the academy as well as for academic journals.

Outside of the classroom, he can often be found chasing his son, who enjoys running up and down ramps and admiring heavy construction machinery.
© 2023 Writing Center Program
Contact Info
+7 (7172) 69 48 12 -------- +7 (7172) 70 47 33
Kabanbay Batyr Avenue 53, Astana, Kazakhstan