What Is Harassment?
Harassment is any unwelcome and unwanted behavior that violates individual’s
boundaries and negatively interferes with their life.

Boundaries are guidelines that a person creates to identify for themselves what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them.
  • We have all seen “No Trespassing” sign meaning that if you violate that boundary, there will be a consequence.

  • Personal boundaries, just like the “No Trespassing” sign, define where you end and others begin and are determined by the amount of physical and emotional space you allow between yourself and others.

  • Personal boundaries help you decide what types of communication, behavior, and interaction are acceptable for you.

What Is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment is any form of unwanted verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature:

  • Verbal harassment: making sexual comments about a person’s body, making sexual comments or innuendos, asking about sexual fantasies, preferences or history, asking personal questions about someone’s social or sex life, making sexual comments about a person’s clothing, anatomy, or looks, repeatedly trying to date a person who is not interested, telling lies or spreading rumours about a person’s sex life or sexual preferences.

  • Non-verbal harassment: looking a person up and down (‘elevator eyes’), following or stalking someone, using sexually suggestive visuals, making sexual gestures with the hands or through body movements, using facial expressions such as winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips.

  • Physical harassment: any forceful attempt at sexual contact and unwanted physical contact such as giving someone a massage around the neck or shoulders, touching another person’s clothing, hair, or body, hugging, kissing, patting, touching or rubbing oneself sexually against another person.
What is Sexual Harassment?
"Sexual Harassment is a type of bullying intended to hurt or intimidate someone. If this has happened to you, tell someone you trust—like a parent, family member, teacher, friend’s parent or neighbor. If the first person you tell doesn’t do anything, tell someone else you trust. Keep telling adults you trust until you get help"
Defining Consent
Consent is not a “given.” Just because you’ve consented to an act before, doesn’t mean you’ve consented to it forever. In a healthy relationship, giving and receiving consent is an ongoing process.

Consent is not a free pass. Saying yes to one act doesn’t mean you have to consent to other acts.

Consent can be taken back at any time. It’s not consent if you’re afraid to say no. Be clear and direct with your partner if you don’t want to do something.

Learn more at loveisrespect.org

Who Can I Contact?
DSS: student.support@nu.edu.kz | Assima Seitaliyeva, assima.seitaliyeva@nu.edu.kz
Daniyar Kossumbayev, daniyar.kossumbayev@nu.edu.kz

Andrey Semenov, andrey.semenov@nu.edu.kz | Chun-Young Park, chunyoung.park@nu.edu.kz
Dinara Pisareva, dinara.pisareva@nu.edu.kz | Brian Smith, brian.smith@nu.edu.kz
Jessica Neafie, jessica.neafie@nu.edu.kz | Gabriel McGuire, gmcguire@nu.edu.kz
Michael Bechtel, michael.bechtel@nu.edu.kz | Ted Parent, ted.parent@nu.edu.kz
Ardak Kashkynbayev, ardak.kashkynbayev@nu.edu.kz | Karol Czuba, karol.czuba@nu.edu.kz
Hoyoun Koh, ho.koh@nu.edu.kz | James Hutchinson, james.hutchinson@nu.edu.kz
Reed Coil, reed.coil@nu.edu.kz | Arlyce Menzies, arlyce.menzies@nu.edu.kz
James Swider, james.swider@nu.edu.kz | Tiffany Moore, tiffany.moore@nu.edu.kz

Marc Formichella, marc.formichella@nu.edu.kz | Anne Stander, anne.stander@nu.edu.kz
Eric Wente, eric.wente@nu.edu.kz | Dariga Akhmetova, dariga.akhmetova@nu.edu.kz

Elizabeth Arkhangelsky, yelyzaveta.arkhangelsky@nu.edu.kz

Zhanibek Arynov, zhanibek.arynov@nu.edu.kz

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