Writing Center Program

Nazarbayev University
Welcome to the Writing Center Program!
The Writing Center is a space where writers of all levels can work on their papers and assignments while receiving help from writing center program faculty. We can help guide you through every stage of the writing process, from planning to revising.

Our Mission is to support a culture of writing across the university by bringing into focus the rhetorical strategies that turn writing in various genres from “words on a page” into a compelling, respectful, ongoing dialogue with peers, research communities, and the wider public.

Our Approach to writing support focuses on facilitating the development of writing skills rather than offering a "quick fix" on writing projects. To that end, we maintain a number of ongoing initiatives designed to assist writers in the development of their writing abilities.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Use the Writing Center?
Writing Center tutorials are available to all NU undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty at Nazarbayev University.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
Go to the WC Online sign-in page to register for an account. Once you have set up your account you can access the schedule. Appointment blocks are visible as either blue (booked) or white (available). Choose the day and time that is most suitable for you. Once you have scheduled an appointment, your individual schedule block will appear as yellow.
Where Is the Writing Center Located?
The Writing Center is located on the 4th floor of the SSH (Block 4).
What Should I Bring to My Writing Tutorial?
For class assignments, bring the assignment sheet (i.e. instructions) if you have one. For statements of purpose or other application letters, bring the guidelines if you have them. Also bring any notes, outlines, or drafts you may have written.
When Is the Writing Center Open?
The Writing Center is open Monday through Friday. Appointments are available at different times depending on the tutorial schedule. Appointments are generally not available between regular semesters or on national holidays.
What If I Don't Have My Draft Before My Writing Tutorial?
If you don't have a draft, don't worry. We can help you by discussing the assignment, brainstorming ideas, planning and drafting your essay as well as revising, editing, and proofreading your work.
When Is the Best Time to Visit the Writing Center?
The sooner, the better - don't wait until the last minute to get help with your writing. You do not need a complete draft of your work to come to the writing center. We can help you plan your paper by brainstorming, discussing the assignment, and pre-writing.
How Do I Cancel an Appointment?
If you are unable to attend an appointment you can cancel it by simply logging on to your account, clicking on your appointment time, and selecting "cancel."
How Many Times Can I Use the Writing Center?
Students are limited to two appointments per week until the last month of the semester, when they are limited to one appointment per week. However, the total number of tutorials you have overall is unlimited.
When Should I Cancel an Appointment?
You must cancel your appointment at least two hours in advance to avoid having your appointment marked as "missed." Students who miss two appointments will be blocked from making further appointments for the remainder of the semester.
© 2023 Writing Center Program
Contact Info
+7 (7172) 69 48 12 -------- +7 (7172) 70 47 33
Kabanbay Batyr Avenue 53, Astana, Kazakhstan